Morel Growing Conditions

morel growing conditions
morel growing conditions

Do you want to know the perfect morel growing conditions?

Discover all of that in our article! Let’s get started!

morel growing conditions
Morel growing conditions

The growing conditions for morel mushrooms can be summarized in the following elements:

  • Cool environments with good exposure
  • Elms, ash, poplar, apples trees, etc. (In the case of symbiotic morels)
  • burned or logged woodlands and disturbed areas
  • Stress : forest fires or digging
  • Air temepratures of 60 degrees, and soil temperatures between 45 and 50 degrees.
  • loamy soil with moisture and filtered sunlight

Do you want to know exactly where the best spots to find morels are, near your location? Discover our mushroom maps here.

Cool Environments With Good Exposure

Morels thrive particularly well in environments with good sun exposure. However, it’s better to favor slightly shaded areas rather than fully sunny ones, as these may become too dry for morels.

If you are searching for morels in the wild, prioritize the edges of woodlands or shaded areas around isolated trees.


As you probably know, symbiotic morels often grow around elms, ash, poplar, etc.

If you are interested in learning about morel cultivation, focus on saprophytic morels, as they don’t require trees to grow and instead utilize nutrients directly from the soil.

Burned Or Logged Woodlands

In a survival instinct, morels tend to grow massively in recently burned, logged, or heavily disturbed woodlands.


The fruiting of morels is triggered by stress, such as forest fires or soil disturbance, and they also fruit in the spring when there are sudden changes in temperatures (thermal shock).

Air And Soil Temperatures

To fruit and grow, morels require air temperatures of 60 degrees or higher and soil temperatures between 45 and 50 degrees.

Loamy Soil

Finally, for its growth, the morel requires a sandy to loamy soil. The soil needs to be water-permeable to allow free circulation of nutrients, but it should not be too clayey to avoid water stagnation, which could lead to mold growth and the death of the morel mycelium.

Find Morels With Our Maps!

Do you want to know exactly where the best spots to find morels are, near your location? Discover our mushroom maps here.

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