Best Time Of Day To Hunt Morels

Best time of day to hunt morels
Best time of day to hunt morels

Are you curious to know the best time of day to hunt morels?

If so, you’re in the right article! Let’s get started right away!

Best time of day to hunt morels
Best time of day to hunt morels

The Best Time Of Day For Morels

There are two interesting moments to search for morels! These are dawn and dusk.

Indeed, these times are particularly favorable as the light is low and can highlight the morels in the woods.

Additionally, if the woods are dense, the light will be diffused, avoiding shadow projections from tree leaves that could disrupt the view of the ground.

Discover directly where the best morel spots are in the state. Get ahead of other morel hunters with our mushroom maps available here!

The Time Of Day Influences The Size Of Morels

The morel is composed of 90% water! And a significant portion of this water can evaporate within a few hours. Therefore, on very hot days, the morel is prone to losing a lot of water due to the heat, leading to a decrease in its size during the daytime!

You might think this is a small detail, but in reality, morels are already quite small and challenging to find, so why add further constraints?

Hence, it’s better to hunt for morels in the early morning when humidity is at its highest! The morel will have a larger size!

Rainy Days Are Better

Why are rainy days better? Simply because the rain moistens the leaf litter, making morels more visible.

Moreover, the rain tends to wash away dirt and other debris from the morels, making them more noticeable.

Find Morels With Our Mushroom Maps!

Discover directly where the best morel spots are in the state. Get ahead of other morel hunters with our mushroom maps available here!

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