Why Do Morels Grow By Dead Trees?

Morels and dead trees
Morels and dead trees

Ever wondered why morels grow near dead trees? Whether it’s ash, elm, or other dead trees, find out all about it in our article!

Morels and dead trees
Morels and dead trees

Do Morels Grow Under All Dead Trees?

No, Why?

Simply because morels do not grow under all living trees either. For morels to fruit, there needs to be morel mycelium associated with the tree that is dying. If there is no existing mycelium under the tree that is dying, then there is no chance for morels to appear under that tree.

If you want to maximize your chances of finding morels, then prioritize trees like the ash or the elm.

Find the best morel spots near you directly with our Mushroom Maps available here!

Why Do Morels Grow Near Dead Trees?

Abundant Nutrients

The first reason why morels particularly thrive under certain dead trees (ash, elm…) is that the death of a tree leads to a significant release of nutrients in the soil through its roots. When a tree dies, it no longer uses the nutrients present in its roots, causing these nutrients to be released into the soil.

The mycelium can then feed abundantly on these nutrients and produce numerous fruiting bodies (morels).

A Survival Mechanism

The second reason why morels grow well under dead trees is related to their survival instinct. When a morel is associated with a tree, it needs to find another way to survive after the tree’s death.

The morel employs two mechanisms for reproduction:

  1. The first one is connected to the growth of the mycelium associated with the tree’s roots. This allows the morel to draw nutrients from the tree’s roots and continue to grow.
  2. The second mechanism for reproduction involves the use of spores, which are dispersed through the wind, animals, and other transportation methods.

As you have understood, when a tree dies, the morel can no longer thrive through the mycelium, so it relies on the second mechanism and produces numerous fruiting bodies (many morels) to disperse numerous spores and ensure its survival for the years to come.

Find Morels With Our Maps

Find the best morel spots near you directly with our Mushroom Maps available here!

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